i agree with this statement that Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten. in my opinion, children have huge pure ability that they can achieve the tremendous result if they use it with well. we have to guide our children to get that. to produce the great proses and revenue of children future, we have to prepare the weapon to create the easy way for them acquire the overseas language. it will talk about family awareness, environment consciousness, and government effort to build good quality of civilization.
firstly, it is about family awareness. as we know that the first education that children obtain from their family. the bad things or good thing will be knowing from family training. for example if the family teach that stole is good, so the children will think that is good activity and many more. so, the family awareness upon education of children especially in foreign language is almost same. if the family can think deep, so they will give the knowledge start from kindergarten.
secondly, it is talking about environment consciousness. it means that neighborhood has huge impact to mind of style of the people. so if the people have huge knowledge and high awareness in future education, they will entering their children to join kindergarten for learning the good things like overseas language.
thirdly, the last is government effort. i believe that the country which has huge awareness for their future will really care in education branch. and the first step that have significant one in human live is children. if the government provide the way the easy education especially for children that have huge potential ever, so they will give the real way.
in my conclusion, foreign language is really important ever, so that have to learn from the real beginning like children in kindergarten.
author : denny ramdhany